Monday, May 5, 2014

Learning to be Happy

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines happy as “feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc.” The implication of that, and common perception, is that we are happy “because” of something. As often happens common knowledge is not correct. Certainly the environment, people and situations around us can make a contribution to our happiness but we control it much more than common knowledge would tell us.

The recent
ICAN Women’s Leadership Conference, with the first ever specific track for men, had Shawn Achor as the keynote speaker. His research has documented both how happiness can be developed and that performance in organizations improves when employees are intentionally practicing happiness techniques – happiness fuels success not the other way around. The recommendation is to pick one of the following strategies and try it for 21 days in a row to create a new habit for lasting change and happiness: 

  • 3 Gratitudes: Write down 3 new things you are grateful for each day.
  • Journaling: For 2 minutes describe a meaningful experience from the past 24 hours.
  • Exercise: Add 15 minutes of fun active cardio.
  • Meditation: For 2 minutes a day, watch your breath go in and out (calms the mind and undoes the negative effects of multitasking).
  • Conscious Acts of Kindness: Send a 2-minute email thanking one person in your social support network. 
Wishing you happiness then success!

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