Thursday, January 30, 2014


In January it is common to be considering possibilities for achieving better results this year than last year.  As we’ve discussed here many times before, results are produced by a combination of skills and action so to get better results either better skills or more actions are necessary.  New skills and behaviors generally require time to develop; however, leveraging existing skills and actions can be accelerated to produce amazing results more quickly.  It is done by focusing actions toward one specific result and eliminating or at least reducing distractions that interfere.  In other words having a goal that is your focus and then to actually focus your attention and effort on it.  Doing that for a day can be difficult; doing it for a year is rare but those who can do it are the ones who achieve success.   If you want more focus in 2014 it may be helpful to keep in mind its definition as both a noun (a main purpose or interest) and a verb (to direct your attention or effort at something specific).

The two keys to being able to maintain your focus are it cannot not be a detriment to other important aspects of work or life but at the same time it is vitally important to you.  Most often people fail to maintain focus because the end result is not significantly energizing and other good ideas, daily routines, or suggestions/requests from other people, become distractions.  Avoiding such disruptions requires another aspect of focus; adjustment or re-focusing.  Other people and the rest of the world will not remain in place while we do our thing.  To achieve the end result of a yearlong goal we will need to repeatedly focus and refocus on our focus.
Whatever your focus is in 2014, we wish you great success!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Magic Formula for Success

A common question coaches pose to a client is ‘what would you do if you couldn’t fail?’ It helps the client identify dreams and aspirations that are limited by fear of failure. It can be freeing to think of a risk free venture; it opens up new possibilities when confidence is at a high level. However, another way of considering that question is in the context of high risk. If the stakes are so high to have life threatening consequences you would be acutely aware and deliberate to take necessary action.

As we all look forward to a new year and plans for business and personal success it may be helpful to consider ‘what will I do in 2014 if I can’t fail?’  Applying both aspects – high confidence and deliberate actions – is the magic formula for success. We wish you the best for the holidays and the new year!