Thursday, May 10, 2012

Employer / Employee of Choice – A Win-Win Scenario

Over the last several years we interviewed a number of CEO’s of local companies that were selected through an employee survey process as being the best place to work among similar size companies competing in the contest.  There were a variety of descriptions but they all said essentially the same thing that was articulated very well by one of the CEO’s.  He said “if they are not going to vote saying we’re the best we don’t let them vote.”  That was not an implication they were rigging the vote but rather that they had rigorous selection and performance management procedures to make sure only people who fit their jobs and organizational culture were hired and retained.

When you ask employees why they consider an employer to be their best choice they too have a consistent message which is essentially ‘if the organization doesn't provide what I want for my effort I won’t be here to vote.’  Employees want a job they can do with new challenges to help them grow and develop; work that they are interested in; and a culture where they can be themselves and succeed.  In addition to fitting the job they want a leader who understands them; communicates well; recognizes their contribution and helps them grow personally and professionally.  In general they want to be a valued member of a winning team.

To attract and keep the best, employers need to be the best.  If your workforce procedures are not creating win-win solutions in selection and development of employees it’s time to make a change or watch the changes as the best ones leave.

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