We all have goals, dreams and aspirations that we work to achieve. The probability of realizing them is largely dependent on the regularity and frequency of our actions along with our level of skill in performing those actions. However, the right strategies and tactics are also vital to success. If a hammer is your only tool you will be a great success at nailing but not so much at cutting and trimming. When obstacles or challenges interfere with our progress toward our goals we naturally shift tactics and use different tools.
Sometimes however there are opportunities or new tools to help us reach our goal but unlike obstacles and challenges, we may over look these opportunities. Adapting to new possibilities and quickly capturing new opportunities is a big differentiator of great from average.
In our era of rapid technology advancement deploying the right new technology at the right time can be a huge opportunity requiring – you guessed it – skill and action. To help you know about some of the productivity related technology opportunities available a new series begins with this article.