A couple of weeks ago three winning tickets split a $448,400,000 Powerball jackpot. Those three had a very exceptional return on their $2.00 investments! Millions of others had no return on their ‘investments’. In games of chance luck is of course the differentiator between average and exceptional results.
In most of life, exceptional results are derived from exceptional actions. Average effort usually produces average outcomes yet many people dream of success far above their average activities. They want the joy and satisfaction of exceptional results but at the same time resist taking exceptional risks and working exceptionally hard.
Results are always derived from a combination of capability and action. High capability coupled with low action will produce low results similar to low capability coupled with high action. Exceptional results however will be produced when high capability is matched with high levels of action. That may be common knowledge but it is not common practice. Coaching helps change behavior and helps create exceptional action and results. Just ask!