Have you ever comforted someone by
saying ‘That’s OK, we all do that’ or perhaps simply ‘you’re fine’ or ‘that’s
fine’? In many settings those comments are socially appropriate and intended
to put the other person at ease. However, when those simple phrases show up in
a business conversation it can be a warning sign that people are settling for
being average rather than striving to be
Leaders particularly need to be aware
of their communication and how it is perceived. Caring and comforting can be
appropriate at times but leaders at any level need to diligently challenge their
organization to not succumb to the tendency to be
average. Average is the easy solution and justifying it happens frequently by comparing to others and copying successful strategies and processes. Many workplace innovations are like high tides that lift all boats. It can feel good to see progress from a past benchmark but look around and you may still be average or even slipping.
Greatness comes from doing what the
average has not thought of or is not willing to do. It is playing to win rather
than playing not to lose. Make it a Great 2012; play to