Remember the WIIFM principle of Leadership Charisma we discussed in April? People are concerned first and foremost about their own needs and, in tough times that means their jobs, financial and career security; security for their families’ futures and other self interests. That principle is fundamental to this month’s topic of behaviors that make leaders charismatic.
The charismatic leader develops the ability to take the vision they have of where their department or organization must go and convert it into a form of message or concept that is meaningful to each and every one of his/her people.
To do this you’re going to have to learn a lot about the people who work for you – you cannot tailor the way you present your vision unless you know what is important to each and every one of your people – their own career and life goals, their needs, their particular strengths and challenges. The book Leadership Charisma provides a step-by-step strategy for getting close
enough to each of your people that you can do this effectively.
The key message is: to be charismatic and engage your people fully you must know each of those people deeply enough to be able to tailor your vision so that its realization can be seen to lead to each of your people realizing their own vision.
If you want to learn more about Leadership Charisma and how you can become eligible for a free copy of the book, contact us at (402) 332-3031.